3 Strategies For Dealing With A Dog Bite Injury Negotiation

Whether you are out for a stroll or walking to the mailbox, there is a chance you are going to see a dog while you are outside. Many households contain dogs and not all of them keep them restrained when outdoors. Every year, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs. Some injuries can end up being very severe and require medical attention. Once you have been bitten by a dog and sought medical treatment, you want to file a personal injury claim as quickly as possible.

Could Changes To Worker's Comp Laws Make It Harder For You To Get Injury Coverage?

Traditionally, worker's compensation laws have been administered by each state. Employers are required to have insurance that will cover any injuries a worker may get while on the job. It doesn't matter whether their own negligence or their employer's negligence caused the injury; worker's comp covers any type of job-related injury and doesn't assign blame. But a new trend is picking up steam nationwide. It is already taking place in Texas and Oklahoma.

3 Things To Do When The Breadwinning Spouse Wants A Divorce

You and your spouse have just begun the process of divorce and with your spouse being the breadwinner of the family, you have absolutely no idea what to do. Below are three things that are absolutely vital for you to do during the divorce process. Get Your Affairs In Order Your affairs include any financial, personal, and business records and statements that are important to the divorce proceedings. Request all bank statements and account information regarding joint accounts and keep all other files on hand.

3 Signs That Your Partner Might Turn Violent

Being in a violent relationship can be terrifying and dangerous. In fact, it can even lead to the loss of your life. In less serious cases, it can affect your self esteem and cause depression, among other problems. This means that if you are in a violent relationship, it is important to do something about it now. Luckily, a good attorney can help you. He or she can help you with filing for separation or divorce, securing a restraining order against your partner and taking other steps to help keep you safe.

When Should A Child Decide Custody?

As a divorced parent of a minor child, you and your spouse may have reached an agreement about child custody that you feel meets the best interests of your child. In fact, if you were able to work with your ex-spouse and hammer out a workable agreement without going to court, you are to be commended. Having a judge decide on such issues doesn't usually make much sense, given the fact that no one knows your child the way you and your ex-spouse do.