The Advantages of E-Recording for Attorneys

We now live in a world where technology is king, and there is no better way to stay ahead than to embrace digital solutions. Electronic recording, also known as E-recording, is one of these technological solutions that lawyers can use to streamline their processes and increase efficiency. E-recording is a digital way of recording and transmitting real estate documents, and it has become increasingly popular among attorneys. This blog post will explore the advantages of E-recording for attorneys.


E-recording saves attorneys time by eliminating the need to visit the County Recorder's office in person. The traditional paper-based process would require an attorney to travel to the County Recorder's office to file the documents physically. E-recording cuts off that step, allowing the attorney to file the documents swiftly and without leaving the office. With this process, an attorney can focus on other tasks or take on more work without compromising their workload.


E-recording allows attorneys to file documents around the clock, any day of the year, unlike the traditional method, which requires an attorney's physical presence and is limited to office days and hours. E-recording is a faster and more efficient way of accessing and submitting documents to the County Recorder's office at any time. This makes it a convenient option for attorneys who have urgent deadlines to meet.

Accuracy and Transparency

One of the biggest advantages of E-recording is that it reduces the risk of errors in transmitting information. With traditional paper-based recording, there could be manual errors and issues with legibility that can lead to significant errors. Also, the traditional paper-based system lacks transparency, which means an attorney wouldn't know the status of their filing until a physical copy is delivered. E-recording eliminates these concerns as attorneys receive email notifications once their filing is received, processed, and accepted or rejected. Thus enhancing accuracy and transparency.


E-recording is typically less expensive than a traditional paper-based process. The amount of money required for postage, overnight delivery, and transportation can add up quickly, making traditional recording a costly process. E-recording, on the other hand, charges a signing fee, a per-page fee, and a processing fee, which is an affordable option, particularly for small companies or solo practitioners.

Security and Privacy

E-recording is a more secure and private process. The documents are transmitted digitally through encrypted software that's monitored by the County Recorder's office and other authorized entities. This adds an additional layer of security to avoid document tampering and unauthorized access. Attorneys wouldn't need to worry about their documents being misplaced, damaged, or destroyed, as digital records stay available in the software for as long as needed.

For more information on E-recording, contact a professional near you.
